Guías Académicas




Curso 2022/2023

1. Datos de la asignatura

(Fecha última modificación: 24-06-22 9:33)
Segundo Semestre
Filología Inglesa
Plataforma Virtual

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Datos del profesorado

Rosa María Revilla Vicente
Fac. Economía y Empresa
Filología Inglesa
Filología Inglesa
2.8. Departamento de Filología Inglesa
Horario de tutorías
Monday and Tuesdays : 10.00- 13.00
923294400 Ext. 1756

2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios

Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.

International Management

Papel de la asignatura.

Learn about Foreign Trade and Business Management in English

Perfil profesional.

Small and medium business managers

3. Recomendaciones previas

To master the course students are supposed to know and have:

  • an A2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF B1) ;
  • how to use English for gaining information from various information resources;
  • basic information on social and cultural differences;
  • basic social skills;
  • basic research skills.


4. Objetivo de la asignatura

On completion of the course, students should


1.Achieve a similar linguistic level to that of a B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF B1).

2.Communicate successfully with others in practical, business-oriented situations including prospective managers, salespeople, account managers,  business dealers and entrepreneurs.

3.Understand how the English language is used in written communication and in various business situations such as meetings and presentations.

4.Be able to write standard business letters and memos and summaries in English on business-related topics.

5.Be able to prepare and deliver short individual presentations in English on business-related topics.

6.Be able to read, summarize and discuss books, newspaper articles and scientific articles on business- related topics.

7-Have a working knowledge of business words and phrases and basic English grammar.

8.Be able to critically assess and improve their texts and those of others.

9.Be able to critically assess their presentational skills and those of others.

5. Contenidos




  1. Presenting
  2. Meetings
  3. Marketing
  4. Exchanging Information
  5. Job Search
  6. Socializing

6. Competencias a adquirir

Básicas / Generales.




BS1. Students must show that they have acquired and understand the knowledge in the field of study that builds on general secondary education and is at a level that, while being based on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that come from the forefront of its field of study.

BS2. Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their job or career in a professional way and they must own the skills that are exhibited by developing and defending arguments and by solving problems within their field of study.

BS3. Students must be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to express an opinion that is based on careful thoughts about relevant topics from a social, scientific or ethic perspective.

BS4. Students must be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.

BS5. Students must develop the learning skills that are required to undertake further studies with a high degree of independence.

GS1. Develop skills for conflict resolution

GS2. Show an entrepreneurial spirit  and creativity to generate new ideas

GS3. Build  teamwork skills

GS4. Show capacity for self-criticism

GS5. Take risks and initiatives and show reaction speed

GS6. Employ  new technologies

GS7. Develop  the ability to act with social responsibility and ethical commitment

GS8. Express a positive attitude towards equal opportunities and the balanced presence of women within the company

GS9. Use social skills as behavioral strategies to solve different situations both in informal and institutional contexts.




SS1. Students must communicate successfully with others in practical, business-oriented situations including prospective managers, salespeople, account managers, business dealers and entrepreneurs.


SS2. Students must express themselves in English, spoken and written, with fluency, accuracy and confidence.


SS3.  Students must handle themselves in English in a variety of business context, from negotiating, to using the telephone, to making presentations, to socializing.


SS4. Students must deal with Business Correspondence. Emails (register, style, standard phrasing). Notes and Memos. Business-specific language phrases.


SS5. Students must use business vocabulary and general English appropriately and lexical and grammatical resources.

SS6. Students must read and understand messages, and to respond appropriately; make a summary.





7. Metodologías

The course will aim to review and consolidate the main structures of spoken and written English and the vocabulary of the students’ academic field of study. This course combines classes in Business English communication skills and concepts with general English language skills. This course is designed to give students the English skills they need to work effectively in today’s global marketplace. English skills and vocabulary are developed through exercises, role-plays and research on business topics.

The programme to be covered in this course will be divided into two parts:

Inside the Classroom

A theoretical and practical approach to language patterns on the basis of the set texts. The course requires active collaboration from the students both inside and outside classroom. Classes will be given in English and students will be expected to take every available opportunity to improve their spoken English.

Class time will be devoted principally to explanation of structures and vocabulary of the students’ academic fields of study. It will also be devoted to monitoring students´ progress in listening and oral skills. Exercises will include watching videos, reading and listening comprehensions.


Outside the Classroom

The completion of some exercises of  different files of studium: grammar, vocabulary and workbook will be a compulsory part of the course (All these exercises will be announced when the course starts).

Preparing and making an oral presentation on Business English will be also a part of the course.

8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes

9. Recursos

Libros de consulta para el alumno.

Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary

Longman Dictionary of Language and Culture

Longman Language Activator

Leech, G. An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage. Arnold.

Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use.  Cambridge University Press.

Swam, M.  Basic English Usage. Oxford University Press.

Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.


10. Evaluación

Consideraciones generales.

The final grade will be based on the exam, (50%), and the completion of the tasks of the course (50%).

The final exam will consist of four parts:

  1. a listening comprehension task
  2. a reading comprehension exercise
  3. a writing composition
  4. some grammar and vocabulary exercises covering the units studied.

Criterios de evaluación.

The criteria of evaluation will constitute a combination of the following procedures:


  • exercises and personal work
  • exhibition of individual and collective works
  • written or oral tests
  • task resolution
  • Correction regarding the fours language kills when learning a foreign language: writing , reading, listening and speaking.

Instrumentos de evaluación.

  1. Completion of tasks
  2. Exams

Recomendaciones para la evaluación.

  1. Class attendance
  2. Completion of tasks
  3. Exams

Recomendaciones para la recuperación.

Talking to the teacher to anlyse the reasons for not having passed the course on the first call. Find out the problems and solve them.