Doble Titulación Grado en Maestro Ed. Primaria e Infantil (Zamora)
Curso 2022/2023
1. Datos de la asignatura
(Fecha última modificación: 07-05-22 19:32)- Código
- 105211
- Plan
- 2016
- 6
- Carácter
- Curso
- 1
- Periodicidad
- Primer Semestre
- Idioma
- Área
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Plataforma Virtual
Datos del profesorado
- Profesor/Profesora
- Raquel Gemma Puerta Varó
- Grupo/s
- 3
- Centro
- Fac. Bellas Artes
- Departamento
- -
- Área
- -
- Despacho
- A Taller de Grabado
- Horario de tutorías
- Se establecerán al inicio de curso
- URL Web
- Teléfono
- 617887700
2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios
Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.
Esta materia forma parte del módulo didáctico disciplinar del Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria
Papel de la asignatura.
Esta asignatura pertenece al bloque de formación básica dentro del Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria.
Perfil profesional.
Maestro de Educación Primaria
3. Recomendaciones previas
Activities in this course will be conducted in English, so students are expected to have at least an A2+ entry level of English according to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR):
This course does NOT provide a certification of B1 level adequate for the access to Mención en Lengua Extranjera: Inglés. To access it, you will need to certify a B1 level by an external source (University of Cambridge, TOEFL, EOI…) or take an exam at the Servicio Central de Idiomas, University of Salamanca. Preference of access will be given to students with a B2 level. For further information, please visit:, and
4. Objetivo de la asignatura
On completion of this course, students must be able to express themselves both orally and in written English to at least a B1 level according to the Common European Framework. B1 is an internationally recognised benchmarch of language ability.
At B1 level, typical users are expected to be able to use real language skills such as these:
• take part in conversation, asking and answering questions, making requests, asking for permission, asking for information, making suggestions, talking freely about familiar topics, etc.
• understand the main points of straightforward instructions or public announcements.
• understand the meaning of recorded spoken material (i.e. everyday life information, announcements, discussions, etc.)
• read texts (i.e. newspapers and magazines) and understand the main points as well as showing you can use vocabulary and structure by completing set tasks.
• deal with most of the situations you might meet when travelling as a tourist in an English-speaking country.
• ask simple questions and take part in factual conversations in a work / educational environment.
• write fact files, letters, stories, messages (150 words) on familiar matters.
5. Contenidos
The subject will consist of Theoretical-Practical Classes, where we will devote particular attention to the four skills taught in foreign language teaching:
- The Reading skill: read an e-mail about someone’s physical appearance, read about someone’s choices & abilities, understand magazine articles, read a survey for a research company, read different brochures about holiday destinations, understand a recipe, read a newspaper advert, read a film review, read some extracts from a biography, read a newspaper article, etc.
- The Listening skill: listen to a radio interview, listen to someone’s daily routine, listen to a song, listen to a TV news report, listen to a conversation about a film, listen to different dialogues, listen to two people talking about a particular topic, etc.
- The Speaking skill: ask for and give information, talk about personal likes and dislikes, ask for and give personal details, compare people, tell a friend about future plans, exchange opinions, explain why you particularly like a film, book, piece of music, etc., talk for an extended period about a familiar topic, participate in reaching a group decision, make a simple informal
presentation, etc.
- The Writing skill: write about personal events in the past, write about what you would do in a hypothetical situation, write an e-mail to a friend you haven’t talked to for a long time, write a composition describing similarities or differences, write a thank-you note, write an informal letter to a friend, give advice, make suggestions, etc.
Moreover, we will also provide students with real instances of language in use around three different perspectives:
1.- Samples of linguistic functions: expressing obligation, apologising, refusing, encouraging, advising, predicting, suggesting a solution, disagreeing, expressing preferences, asking for clarification, describing feelings, offering help, etc.
2.- Samples of language focus: revision of question forms, verbal tenses, modal verbs, use of articles, quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns, comparative and superlative adjectives, the passive voice, conditional sentences, etc.
3.- Samples of Vocabulary and topics for speaking and writing: leisure activities, hobbies and interests, words to describe feelings, daily routines, dates and special occasions, physical appearance and personal characteristics, holidays, ambitions and dreams, geographical features, health and accidents, everyday objects, etc.
- In Listening: making lecture notes and using symbols and abbreviations in note-taking, understanding speaker emphasis.
- In Speaking: speaking from notes, formulating questions, asking for clarification, responding to queries and requests for clarification, referring to other people´s ideas, building an argument, agreeing/disagreeing.
- In Reading: using topic sentences to get an overview of the text, using the internet effectively, evaluating internet search results, locating key information in complex sentences, understanding dependent clauses with passives, inferring implicit ideas, understanding how ideas in a text are linked.
- In Writing: summarizing a text, paraphrasing, writing complex sentences, expanding notes into complex sentences, recognizing different essay types, writing essays, using direct quotations, compiling a bibliography, writing research reports, writing effective introductions/conclusions.
6. Competencias a adquirir
Básicas / Generales.
DP 28 To be able to express oneself orally and in writing in English language to at least a B1 level according to the Common European Framework.
DI 20 To promote interest in the English language at the initial stage.
DP 29 To introduce English language content in the syllabus through appropriate teaching resources and to develop the relevant student competences.
BI 27 To become familiar with various international English as a foreign language teaching situations and strategies.
BP 11 To become familiar with the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
BP 13 To promote cooperative work and individual effort.
BP 17 To become familiar with innovative teaching experiences in primary education and apply them.
BP 19 To become familiar with basic techniques and methodologies of educational research and be able to design innovative projects through the identification of evaluation criteria.
Lectures and practical classes:
To develop skills in reading comprehension, listening, speaking and writing in English.
To become aware of the main grammatical structures in English.
To use the suitable vocabulary for a specific context.
To communicate orally in English on topics within a known socio-cultural or professional area.
To participate in and to develop brief conversations on a one-to-one basis or in small groups.
To develop and apply the basic skills for effective participation in meetings and social situations.
To express and defend personal opinions on different topics.
To give instructions and present activities in the foreign language classroom.
To reflect upon the teaching and learning process of a foreign language.
To understand the methods, strategies and techniques used in primary education and assume the role of the EFL teacher.
To become familiar with classroom English.
Group tutorials:
To reflect upon the necessity of foreign language learning in modern societies.
To develop further strategies for the self-study of a foreign language.
To become familiar with didactic resources accessible to the students and the basics of e-learning.
To acquire and develop the necessary tools to improve the students’ competence in a foreign language in a non-academic environment.
7. Metodologías
The course is designed to follow the communicative approach through an integrated syllabus that links grammar, communicative functions and theoretical basis for foreign language teaching. The four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) are presented fully integrated, though grammar, pronunciation and lexis will also be practiced.
Grammatical structures are presented in communicative contexts covering different topics and through grammatical descriptions that explain their usage. Grammar is exploited by means of practice exercises; we will also carry out strategies to achieve the above mentioned linguistic skills.
Students will be expected to prepare and participate in those activities presented by the teacher or by other classmates. They will be asked to complete the tasks assigned throughout the course, such as giving short oral presentations and producing didactic activities to be presented in the classroom. Reading and writing practice will be mostly carried out as homework to be reviewed during the class time, so they will be asked to read short written texts and produce a number of essays and reports at home.
They will also be expected to display activities for conversational practice to take place in the seminar classes. Finally, they will be expected to put into practice the instructions commented on in the group tutorials and to develop strategies for ongoing self-study of a foreign language.
8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes
9. Recursos
Libros de consulta para el alumno.
- In class, we will mainly work with the following coursebook: KEYNOTE PRE-INTERMEDIATE. SPLIT EDITION 1. STUDENT’S BOOK AND WORKBOOK. (2018). David Bohlke with Stephanie Parker. National Geographic Learning. ISBN:978-1-337-56138-9
- Activities from other B1 coursebooks are recommended for autonomous study: Speak Out (Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book) (20111st) Pearson-Longman/BBC; English File (Intermediate) (2013) Oxford: OUP; Hedermann, Emma & May, Peter (2010) Complete PET. Cambridge: CUP; Redston, C. & Gillie, C. (2013). face2face Intermediate Student’s Book, 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Additional audiovisual and reading practice material will be used during the course and provided by the teacher; practice and reference (dictionaries and vocabulary in use) resources will be recommended for further individual or group work.
Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.
- Clarke, Simon. (2008). Macmillan English Grammar in Context. Intermediate. Macmillan
- Hancock, M. (2004). English Pronunciation in Use. Intermediate. Cambridge: C.U.P.
- Harmer, J. (2012) Essential Teacher Knowledge. Essex: Pearson.
- Murphy, R. (2007) English Grammar in Use (3rd ed. + answers & CD-ROM). Cambridge: C.U.P.
- Read, Carol (2007) 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Oxford: Macmillan.
- Redman, S. & Shaw, Ellen 1999 (2002). Vocabulary in Use. Intermediate (with answers). C.U.P.
- Swan , M. & Walter, C. (1997) How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book. Oxford: O.U.P.
Online resources
10. Evaluación
Consideraciones generales.
Assessment will be based on participation in class and regular work. Students will have a final exam (both oral and written) in which they will be asked to show their competence at the required B1 level. Evaluation will also comprise other elements including students’ individual work.
Criterios de evaluación.
Final mark will be comprised of:
• Regular attendance and active participation: 10%
• Individual exercises or essays on linguistic and didactic resources. Class presentations (individually or in small groups) or individual interview: 20%
• Final assessment on linguistic competence (a B1 level will be required): 70%
Instrumentos de evaluación.
Written exams, listening practices, oral presentations and expositions/interviews, individual papers and other requirements.
Recomendaciones para la evaluación.
Intensive daily practice of the four skills and B1 standard tests are highly recommended.
Recomendaciones para la recuperación.
Individual suggestions and remedial action will be provided according to the linguistic profile and diagnosed weaknesses of each student.