Guías Académicas



Grado en Maestro de Educación Primaria (Zamora)

Curso 2022/2023

1. Datos de la asignatura

(Fecha última modificación: 07-05-22 19:32)
Segundo Semestre
Filología Inglesa
Plataforma Virtual

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Datos del profesorado

Raquel Gemma Puerta Varó
Fac. Bellas Artes
A Taller de Grabado
Horario de tutorías
Se establecerán al inicio de curso

2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios

Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.

Mención de Lengua Inglesa

Papel de la asignatura.

Formación específica

Perfil profesional.

Maestro de Educación Primaria/Infantil con Mención en Lengua Inglesa.

3. Recomendaciones previas

Activities in this course will be conducted in English, so students are expected to have at least a B1 entry level of English according to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR):

Students are recommended to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English to reach at least a B2 level according to the CEFR.

4. Objetivo de la asignatura

On completion of this course, students must be able to:

  • understand the basic principles in which the teaching of a foreign language is based
  • reflect upon the teaching and learning process of a foreign language
  • use a wide range of activities and resources available to English language teachers
  • become familiar with classroom English and the metalanguage to analyse multimodal texts
  • introduce language awareness activities
  • analyse, use and adapt existing resources on the market from a multimodal approach to foreign language teaching: textbooks, flashcards, posters, stories, songs, plays, rhymes, etc.
  • use the specific terminology that is central to English language teaching
  • understand the methods, strategies and techniques used in primary education and assume the role of the EFL teacher in general and more particularly in multilingual and multicultural classrooms.
  • produce home/class-made materials
  • evaluate teaching materials

5. Contenidos


The contents of these subjects will be mainly based on the Teaching Knowledge Test developed by Cambridge ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) exams.

MODULE 1. A framework for language learning and teaching. Describing language, language skills and a background to language teaching. ELT terminology.

MODULE 2. Lesson Plans and Work Units. Selection and Use of Resources and Materials.

MODULE 3: Classroom Management. Appropriate Use of English in the Classroom, Teacher Roles, Grouping Students, Correcting Learners and Giving Feedback.

MODULE 4: Developing Receptive and Productive skills. General Principles in Teaching Receptive and Productive Skills, Stages in Listening and Reading Practice, Procedures for Listening and Reading Practice, Strategies and Activities to Develop Productive and Receptive Skills, Stages in Speaking and Writing, etc. Developing multimodal literacy in the EFL classroom for effective and meaningful communication to raise social and intercultural awareness.

6. Competencias a adquirir

Básicas / Generales.

  • DP 28  To be able to express oneself orally and in writing in English language to at least a B1 level according to the Common European Framework.
  • DI 20  To promote interest in the English language at the initial stage.
  • DP 29  To introduce English language content in the syllabus through appropriate teaching resources and to develop the relevant student competences.
  • BI 27  To become familiar with various international English as a foreign language teaching situations and strategies.



  • To develop skills in listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing in English.
  • To give instructions and present activities in the foreign language classroom.
  • To communicate orally in English on topics within their professional area.
  • To participate in and to develop brief conversations on a one-to-one basis or in small groups, being able to express and defend personal opinions on different topics.


  • To introduce students to the specific terminology that is central to English language teaching and to use suitable vocabulary for a specific context.
  • To introduce students to the main approaches to ELT and to reflect upon the teaching and learning process of a foreign language.
  • To offer students a wide range of activities and resources available to English language teachers, including both the traditional and more digitally-based ones to promote critical multimodal literacy.
  • To familiarise students with materials and activities that give students the opportunity to explore the concepts that have been introduced from a theoretical perspective.
  • To understand the methods, strategies and techniques used in primary education and assume the role of the EFL teacher, with special attention to multicultural and multilingual contexts.
  • To become familiar with classroom English and the metalanguage to work with  multimodal texts (analysing visual, aural, linguistic, spatial, gestural modes of communication).


  • BP 11 To become familiar with the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
  • BP 13 To promote cooperative work and individual effort.
  • BP 17 To become familiar with innovative teaching experiences in primary education and apply them.
  • BP 19 To become familiar with basic techniques and methodologies of educational research and be able to design innovative projects through the identification of evaluation criteria.
  • BP 23 To analyse and integrate critically relevant issues of today’s society affecting education: social and educational impact of audiovisual language and screen-related technologies; major changes in gender-specific and intergenerational relations; multiculturality and interculturality; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainability.

7. Metodologías

Students will be expected to prepare and participate in those activities presented by the teacher or by other classmates. They will be asked to complete the tasks assigned throughout the course, such as microteaching sessions, workshops, giving short oral presentations, producing individual essays and producing didactic activities to be presented in the classroom. They will also be expected to put into practice the instructions commented on in the group tutorials and to develop strategies for ongoing self-study of a foreign language.

8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes

9. Recursos

Libros de consulta para el alumno.

Spratt, Pulverness and Williams (2011) The TKT Course. (2nd Edition). Cambridge University Press.

House, Susan (1997) An introduction to Teaching English to Children. London: Richmond.

Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.


BOWEN, T. & J. MARK (1994). Inside Teaching. Heinemann.

BULL, G. & ANSTEY, M. (2019). Elaborating Multiliteracies through Multimodal Texts. New York: Routledge.

CORBETT, J. (2010). Intercultural Language Activities. Cambridge: CUP

DOMÍNGUEZ ROMERO, E., BOBKINA, J. & STEFANOVA, S. (2019). Teaching Literature and Language Through Multimodal Texts. Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.

HOUSE, S., DURÁN. R. et al. (2011). Didáctica del inglés: Classroom Practice. Barcelona: GRAÓ.

GARTON, S. & COPLAND, F. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners. New York: Routledge.

GOMEZ MORÓN, R. et al (Eds.) (2009) Pragmatics Applied to Language Teaching and Learning. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

HARMER, J. (1998) How to Teach English. Harlow: Pearson

HARMER, J. (2007) The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow: Pearson

PAINTER, C., MARTIN, J. R., & UNSWORTH, L. (2013). Reading Visual Narratives: image analysis of children's picture books. Bristol: Equinox Publishing Limited.

SCRIVENER, J. (2005). Learning Teaching. (2nd edition) London: Heinemann.

SLATTERY, M. & WILLIS, J.  (2001). English for Primary Teachers. Oxford: OUP.

TANNER, R. et al (1998). Tasks for Teacher Education Coursebook. Harlow: Longman.


Other references

Relevant reference and self-study materials in digital format (infographics, word, pdf, ppp, videoclips, audiotracks) will be available for students in the course online platform (Studium).


Online resources (


10. Evaluación

Consideraciones generales.

Assessment will be continuous, so participation in class, regular work and attendance at classes and tutorials will be compulsory. More than half of the final mark will be based on students’ individual and group work.

Criterios de evaluación.

Final mark will be comprised of:

Formative assessment

  • Regular attendance and active participation: 15 %
  • Microteaching presentation (individual or in small groups): 20%
  • Written reflection on classroom activities and tasks (portfolio): 15%

Final exam

  • Test and open questions: 30%
  • Oral interview: 20%

Instrumentos de evaluación.

Written exams, listening practices, oral presentations and expositions, individual papers and other requirements.

Recomendaciones para la evaluación.

Apart from the theoretical content of the subject, students will be asked to develop strategies for ongoing self-study of the English language. Regular practice of the four skills is highly recommended.

Recomendaciones para la recuperación.

Individual suggestions and remedial action will be provided according to the linguistic profile and diagnosed weaknesses of each student.