Guías Académicas




Curso 2022/2023

1. Subject Information

(Date last modified: 25-05-22 10:09)
First semester
Teoría e Historia de la Educación
Virtual platform

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Professor Information

Leoncio Vega Gil
Fac. Educación
11 (Edificio Cossio)
Office hours
Martes: 11-14, Viernes: 9-12
Web address
670628633 / 3373

2. Association of the subject matter within the study plan

Purpose of the subject within the curricular area and study plan.

In a training program on global studies, the comparative educational perspective is of great educational interest due to its global dimension and its contribution to studies and analysis of the role of education in the personal, social and economic development of citizens and communities.

3. Prerequisites


4. Learning objectives

4.1. Competency objectives of the subject.

a) Rethinking the relationship between international education and development.

b) Analyze and understand the implication of the literacy and schooling processes in personal and social development.

c) Study the contribution of educational systems to international development.

d) Development and cooperation beyond formal school institutions.

e) Understand, analyze and value the contribution of international organizations to development

4.2. Actividades académicas presenciales y no presenciales.

A. Master classes on the contents of the program taught by the teacher.

B. Active and effective participation in the seminar sessions and presenting in writing the answer to the question or questions that the teacher formulates (in person, in tutorial chat or online text). The working documents through the "online text" tool are as follows:

      B.1. Vega, L. & Hernández, J. C. (2015). Spain and France. Moving from Democratization towards Elitism in Acces to Higher Education. In V. Stead (Ed.), International Perspectives on Higher Education Admission Policy: A Reader (114-127).  Peter Lang.

      B.2. Vega Gil, L.; Hernández Beltrán, J. C., y García Redondo, E. (2016). PISA as a political tool in Spain: Assessment Instrument, Academic Discourse and Political Reform. European Education. Issues and Studies, Vol. 48, Issue 2, pp. 89-103. Http://

C. Present, in pdf format, and individually, a personal synthesis (reflective dossier) on the contents presented in class by the teacher.

D. Participate in practical (field) activities (in seminar format)

5. Contents


1.  Conceptual framework. Rethinking the relationship between education and development

2.  Schooling and literacy for development

3.  Beyond schools. Adult, vocational and higher education for development

4.  The international education systems for the cooperation and development.

5.  The international organizations for development and education.

6. Competences acquired


CE1. Understanding the historical, comparative and political references of education in development processes

CE1.1. Know the academic (institutional and curricular) processes of education at the international level

CE1.2. Know the organization and operation of quality educational systems at the international level, from the analysis of "educational problems".

CE2. Ability to analyze and interpret the data collected to make reflective judgments on educational and social issues.

CE2.1. Capacity of analysis, synthesis and oral explanation of the international educational themes reflected in the reading book.

CE3. Application of quality management processes and models in education and training.

CE3.1. Ability to synthesize, elaborate and write the contents included in the magazine articles or book chapters, object of treatment through the virtual tool "online text".

CE4. Knowledge and evaluation of educational policies, institutions, systems and organizations.


CT1. Capacity for teamwork: collaboration, interdisciplinary and multicultural work.

CT2. Ability for autonomous learning and responsibility.

CT3. Creative and entrepreneurial capacity, innovative attitude and adaptation to change.

CT4. Capacity for criticism and self-criticism, awareness and adoption of attitudes linked to ethical and deontological conceptions.

CT5. Self-knowledge capacity for personal and professional development.

7. Teaching methods

Master classes, academic work in seminar format, thematic presentations and academic work through the text line tool on documents provided by the teacher.

8. Anticipated distribution of the use of the different teaching methods

9. Resources

Reference books.

  • Calvo de Mora, J. and Kerry, J.K. (2019). School and informal learning in a knowledge-based world (Asia-Europe education dialogue). Routledge.
  • Education Comparée. N.S. (2014). Le développement des politiques d´accountability et leur instrumentation dans le domaine de l´éducation. Vol. 11 (2014).
  • European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice (2017). The Structure of the European Education Systems 2017-18. Schematic Diagrams. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Hörner, W. et al (2007). The Education Systems of Europe. The Netherlands: Springer.
  • McGrath, S., and Gu, Q. (2016). Routledge Handbook of International Education and Development. Routledge.
  • Verger, A.; Lubienski, Ch. & Steiner-Khamsi, G. (eds.) (2016). World Year Book of Education 2016. The Global Education Industry. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Zhao, Y. (2014). Who´s afraid of the big bad dragon? Jossey-Bass

Other bibliographic references, electronic or other types of resources.

10. Assessment

General considerations.

A double evaluation system is established. On the one hand, the “continuous evaluation” and, on the other, the “global” system. The first requires attendance and compulsory (class attendance). The second focuses on the written test that will be carried out at the end of the semester (according to the official exam schedule) and will consist of the answer to the questions asked by the teacher based on the content worked on in class (lectures, exposed papers, discussion and debate documents, and reading book). It is designed for working students with part-time academic dedication and progressive acquisition of skills, which will be verified at the end. The book under evaluation in the “global” modality is the following: A. Schleicher (2018). World Class. How built a 21st-Century School System. OECD.

The continuous evaluation system is detailed in the following sections.

Punctuation system:

Written test (content: those explained by the teacher): 30% of the total.

Exposure and defense of group work: 20%

Group and oral presentation, in tutorials, of the reading book: 20%.

Participation in seminar sessions (in class and online text): 20%.

Other activities (interventions, practices, assistance, involvement, etc.): 10%.

Note: both in the “continuous assessment” and in the “global” modality, the minimum mark for the written test and the book interview must be greater than 2 points (out of 10), in both activities, otherwise , the final evaluation will be the one of suspense.

Exams (both modalities), according to the calendar prepared by the Center.

1st call.

Day month Year:

Classroom / s:


2nd call.

Day month Year:

Classroom / s:


Assessment criteria.

1.   Group work. Cooperative (group) work requires responsibility, active participation, commitment and interdependence. Criteria: in the exposition knowledge domain, fluency in the explanation and ability to respond to the questions and doubts raised; In the elaboration and writing of the work, it is required to follow the logical structure (attract, form and retain), writing the content that implies elaboration and synthesis (not description), general conclusions and documentary support.

2.   Group and oral presentation of the reading book: conceptual understanding; reflective study; synthesis of the content studied; personal explanation with ease and mastery of knowledge.

3.   Online text. The evaluation of the responses will follow the following criteria: focus of the response; qualitative elaboration of academic information; concentrated and fluent writing; contribution or extrapolation of ideas and content.

4.   Written proof. Criteria: mastery of knowledge, creativity in contribution, professional language and academic reasoning.

5.   In the practical sessions of seminars or workshops the quality and richness of the interventions will be valued and not the quantity of the same.

6.   Tasks are the means (not the ends) of evaluation.

Assessment tools.

Contents of the written test

Online text. Deliveries

Group work presentation.

Reading the book.

Field practice (seminars).

Assessment recommendations.

Since the evaluation system is continuous, continuous academic effort is required in the preparation of the seminar sessions, the work to be presented and the daily involvement in the academic work.

Guidelines in the case of failing the subject.

In relation to the contents and assessment system for recovery (second call), the weighting and quantification system of the first will be followed. However, the content of the evaluation of the second call will be that set for the first in the non-attendance system (the global test that will be carried out only in writing).

11. Weekly teaching organization