Guías Académicas




Curso 2022/2023

1. Subject Information

(Date last modified: 24-05-22 8:28)
First semester
Sociología y Comunicación
Virtual platform

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Professor Information

Julián Alejandro Martínez Ramos
Fac. Derecho
Área de Ciencia Política, Facultad de Derecho.
Office hours
Jueves y viernes de 15:00 a 17:00
Web address
923294500 ext: 1678

2. Association of the subject matter within the study plan

3. Prerequisites

There are no specific or extra requirements to take this course

4. Learning objectives

This course is designed to introduce the students into the main actual debates in the field of the global migrations, human trafficking, and refugees. This course does not attempt to cover in depth all the open debates in the field. Rather, its aim is to supply the students with the tools for theoretical and empirical analysis with a look at the main actual debates in the field. Some of the readings include more technical components, but it does not presuppose any extra requirements for taking the course.

Course Objectives

-              Understand and identify the basic concepts and theories in the field of global migrations, human trafficking, and refugees

-              Identify the most relevant elements of the actual debate around migration in a global world

-              Develop a critical perspective of the phenomenon of human migrations

-              Acquire methodological and empirical knowledge about the study of migrations and human trafficking

5. Contents


The approach is intended to bring not only a theoretical perspective, but also to examine empirical research on the field. Therefore, the course is structured in two main sections. The first departs from a theoretical approach. It starts with an introduction to the actual debate from different perspectives, including geography, demographics, sociology, and psychology. During this part the students will have an approach to main authors and texts on these actual discussions.


The second part complements the former with the empirical approach. On this section students are expected to analyze empirical studies and projects matching the theoretical debates with empirical and applied perspectives.

6. Competences acquired

Basic / General.

Students are expected to enroll into an active learning process. They will be able to analyze and apply different perspectives about the main debates on the field of Global Migrations, Human Trafficking and Refugees from a critical reasoning. They will be able to build strong arguments within the discipline (CB2). Also, students will be qualified to understand and interpret relevant data to elaborate insightful judgments within the field of Global Migrations, Human Trafficking and Refugees (CB3) and solve specific problems in larger and multi-disciplinary contexts (CG1). Finally, the acquisition of these skills will be relevant and necessary for those students interested in advancing their careers and pursuing postgraduate studies (CB5).


More specifically, students will be able to recognize historical elements of social and political processes (CE2) which are relevant to identify and describe contexts global migrations and refugees (CE10).

7. Teaching methods

Although the first sessions will be mostly conducted by the professor, the course will have the ‘seminar’ format. Therefore, participation will be critical for the appropriate development of the course. Presentations and discussion in the class will be part of the evaluation.

8. Anticipated distribution of the use of the different teaching methods

9. Resources

Reference books.

  • Richard Wright, R. & Ellis, M. (2016). Perspectives on Migration Theory: Geography (ch. 2), in White, M. (ed.) International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution (2016). Springer, London
  • Brown, S. & Bean, F. (2016). Conceptualizing Migration: From Internal/International to Kinds of Membership (ch 6.), in White, M. (ed.) International Handbook of Migration and Population Distribution (2016). Springer, London.
  • Valtonen, K. (2008). Perspectives on Migration: ‘Here and Now’ Implications for Social Work (ch. 1). in Valtonen, K. (2008). Social Work and Migration: Immigrant and Refugee Settlement and Integration. Ashgate, Burlington.

10. Assessment

General considerations.

Evaluation is not only a tool for a better learning, but also is an incentive for all the students to read and prepare the sessions. Two modes of evaluation are proposed. Non-continuous evaluation will consist in two exams (20% each, 40% total), one class presentation (20%), three brief responses (5% each, 15% total), and one short written assignment (25%).

Assessment criteria.

Critical thinking, participation and understanding of the contexts.

Assessment tools.

Exams (40%)

•              Two exams (20% each), one middle term and one final.

•              Multiple choice format.

•              Each exam covers only one part of the subject.

Presentation (20%)

•              One of the readings assigned for the session.

•              Groups of 2 persons

•              10 minutes max.

•              Must include at least 3 questions posted in Studium no later than Monday 1:00 pm. Questions should promote discussion in class.

Responses (15%)

•              Three in total, not in the same reading (5% each).

•              Responses in the discussion panel of Studium.

•              Brief responses: 1-2 paragraphs max.

Short written assignment (25%)

•              6 pages long

•              Essay format or research paper.

•              Depth discussion of one or more topics covered in the course. Must include: Question, a theoretical framework, cases of study (only if necessary) or discussion, conclusions, bibliography.

Assessment recommendations.

Read the texts for all sessions.

11. Weekly teaching organization