Curso 2023/2024
1. Datos de la asignatura
(Fecha última modificación: 18-04-23 17:06)- Código
- 103863
- Plan
- 6.00
- Carácter
- Curso
- 4
- Periodicidad
- Segundo Semestre
- Idioma
- Área
- Departamento
- Administración y Economía de la Empresa
- Plataforma Virtual
Datos del profesorado
- Profesor/Profesora
- Jorge Matías Pereda
- Grupo/s
- 1
- Centro
- Fac. Economía y Empresa
- Departamento
- Administración y Economía de la Empresa
- Área
- Organización de Empresas
- Despacho
- 101
- Horario de tutorías
- Thursdays and Fridays from 18 to 21
- URL Web
- Teléfono
- 3524
2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios
Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.
- Business Organization
Papel de la asignatura.
- Highlight the importance of information as a business resource in the operation and management of organizations and its influence on the development of competitive advantages. Get to know the different types of information systems and technologies
Perfil profesional.
- Business Administration
3. Recomendaciones previas
4. Objetivo de la asignatura
5. Contenidos
Unit 1: Evolution of the role of Information Systems and Technologies in Organizations.
Unit 2: Markets, Organizations and Knowledge
Unit 3: IS / IT Strategic Management Process
Unit 4: Feasibility Analysis of the Information Systems Strategy
Unit 5: Strategies for Knowledge Management.
6. Competencias a adquirir
Básicas / Generales.
The specific and transversal skills that will be developed in this course help the student to acquire those established in the Business Administration Module. The list is included in the Verified Program of the bachelor's degree in business administration and Management. Specifically, the following skills are developed:
CB1. Students must show that they have acquired and understand the knowledge in the field of study that builds on general secondary education and is at a level that, while being based on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that come from the forefront of its field of study.
CB2. Students must know how to apply their knowledge to their job or career in a professional way and they must own the skills that are exhibited by developing and defending arguments and by solving problems within their field of study.
CB3. Students must be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to express an opinion that is based on careful thoughts about relevant topics from a social, scientific or ethic perspective.
CB4. Students must be able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.
CB5. Students must develop the learning skills that are required to undertake further studies with a high degree of independence.
CSIKM1. Students must know how to diagnose information needs based on strategic objectives, environmental conditions.
(general, specific) and the resources and capabilities that exist in the organization.
CSIKM2. Students must know how to analyze the set of processes that provide value for the organization and understand their information needs.
CSIKM3. Students must know how to carry out a feasibility analysis of strategies in the field of IS / IT according to its impact on: The organizational structure, the social capital, the interests of the different stakeholders, the possible destruction of capabilities.
7. Metodologías
Master Classes
Seminars and practices
Discussions: Activity where two or more groups defend opposing positions on a certain topic.
Presentations: Oral presentation by students of a particular topic
Seminars: In-depth work on a topic. Practice with the contents of master sessions
Personal work:
Preparation of asignments
Case study: Presentation of a case where a response must be given to the situation raised
Discussion forums: Through ICT, topics related to the academic and / or professional field are discussed.
Tutored work
On-line monitoring activities
Final theoretical test.
8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes
9. Recursos
10. Evaluación
Consideraciones generales.
The subject follows a continuous assessment system where the most important assessment of the student takes place in the activities carried out throughout the semester. Continuous assessment accounts for 40% of the grade.
There will be a test / exam at the end of the course of a global nature that will account for 60% of the total grade. It will be necessary to achieve 50% in the continuous evaluation to be able to take the final test / exam.
Criterios de evaluación.
Active participation in class, in the discussion and resolution of practical questions, in the sharing of practical cases, in the analysis and resolution of quantitative problems, in the debates on applied reading and economic press news, in the reflection on the projected videos, in the seminars for the application of contents, in the presentation and defense of works and exercises, and in the direct action carried out in group dynamics and in the objective final test. |
Instrumentos de evaluación.
The continuous assessment will consist of:
•Practical cases
• Classroom discussions
•Group dynamics
Recomendaciones para la evaluación.
Carry out continuous work, participating in all scheduled theoretical and practical activities, through daily work by the student.