Curso 2023/2024
1. Datos de la asignatura
(Fecha última modificación: 19-05-23 11:13)- Código
- 102516
- Plan
- 2010
- 6.00
- Carácter
- Curso
- 4
- Periodicidad
- Primer Semestre
- Idioma
- Área
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Plataforma Virtual
Datos del profesorado
- Profesor/Profesora
- Pedro Álvarez Mosquera
- Grupo/s
- A.1 y A.2
- Centro
- Fac. Filología
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Área
- Filología Inglesa
- Despacho
- 1.8 Dpto. de Filología Inglesa. Edificio Placentinos
- Horario de tutorías
- Martes y miércoles de 8 a 10
- URL Web
- https://produccioncientifica.usal.es/investigadores/57437/detalle
- pedro@usal.es
- Teléfono
- 923294500 Ext. 6156
- Profesor/Profesora
- Vasilica Mocanu Florea
- Grupo/s
- B.1 y B.2
- Centro
- Fac. Filología
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Área
- Filología Inglesa
- Despacho
- 0.2 Dpto. Filología Inglesa. Edificio Placentinos
- Horario de tutorías
- Lunes: 11-13; Martes 9-11 (also via email; any change will be indicated on Studium)
- URL Web
- https://produccioncientifica.usal.es/investigadores/58117/detalle
- vasim@usal.es
- Teléfono
- 923294500, Ext.1707
2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios
Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.
English Language, Literature and Culture.
Papel de la asignatura.
Reaching Proficiency in the English language
Perfil profesional.
Those indicated in the ‘Guía Académica’: teacher of English, linguistic advisor of English (in bilingual schools), researcher using English as an academic international lingua franca.
3. Recomendaciones previas
Asignaturas que se recomienda haber cursado |
English language I, II, III, IV, V |
Asignaturas que se recomienda cursar simultáneamente |
Courses in the fourth year |
4. Objetivo de la asignatura
Goals of the course:
Students are expected to achieve a C1.3/C2 level of English (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR) at the end of the course.
Students are expected to achieve all the Competences indicated below in the section devoted to Competences.: CE 1- 8; CG 1- 7; CT 1- 5
In synthesis:
- understand a wide range of texts written in educated English.
- write and speak fluently in English and in the register of educated English
- produce well structured texts on complex topics, showing textual cohesion and coherence.
- give oral presentations in English showing oral public speaking skills.
Students will develop the competence for lifelong learning in their future professional world.
5. Contenidos
This course is oriented to achieve practical skills.
- Training the four basic skills: Reading, Listening comprehension, Writing, Speaking.
- Training listening skills in weekly Portfolios
- Training discipline
- Training self-paced learning
- Training reading complex texts written in educated English
- Training Oral Public Speaking skills.
- Training writing with an elegant and educated register of English
6. Competencias a adquirir
Básicas / Generales.
CG1. Ability to develop foreign language learning skills
CG2. Ability of self-reflection on the personal process of learning
CG3. Ability to develop a philosophy of learning a language in their professional future
CG4. Ability to optimize the process of learning English
CG5. Develop their teamwork skills
CG6. Ability to become autonomous learners in their future
CG7. Highlight the curiosity to learn English, stress the human need to explore and search as the foundation for learning English
CE1. Ability to reflect on the personal process of learning English
CE2. Ability to have an open mind to multimodal communicative channels
CE3. Oral comprehension skills based on the cognitive need of ‘wanting to know’
CE4. Analytical skills to read a range of written texts in depth
CE5. Oral public speaking skills to give individual and group oral presentations
CE6. Writing skills to produce different types of texts.
CE7. Ability to appreciate the English language as an international lingua franca
CE8. Ability to appreciate the English language as a window that grants access to human knowledge.
CT1. Ability to learn communication in English
CT2. Ability for abstract knowledge
CT3. Ability to read texts in educated and academic English
CT4. Analytical skills, synthesis skills, critical thinking skills
CT5. Reflective meta-communicative skills
7. Metodologías
Tipología |
Descripción |
Actividades introductorias (dirigidas por el profesor) |
Introductory activities |
The aim is to gather information related to students and to introduce the course |
Actividades teóricas (dirigidas por el profesor) Theoreticalactivities |
Explanatory sessions devoted to presenting the skills that they are expected to improve. |
Explanations for the students to grasp the strategies we will use to achieve the course goals. |
Actividades prácticas guiadas (dirigidas por el profesor) Guidedtasks |
Training oral and writing skills Training listening and reading skills Training oral publicspeakingskills |
Specific tasks are designed to achieve the course goals
Oral presentations |
Group/individual oral presentations to improve students’ oral skills as well as their oral public speaking skills |
Actividades prácticas autónomas (sin el profesor) |
Individual tasks outside the class |
Individual tasks will be implemented so that students will develop a sense of discipline in their process of mastering English. |
Teamwork skills |
Students will be involved in teamwork tasks. |
8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes
9. Recursos
Libros de consulta para el alumno.
It will be indicated on Studium.
Multimodality will be the essence of the materials used in the course, that is, written as well as audio-visual sources of educated English.
Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.
It will be indicated on Studium.
Multimodality will be the essence of the materials used in the course, that is, written as well as audio-visual sources of educated English.
10. Evaluación
Consideraciones generales.
Success in achieving the following goals:
CE1. Metacognition skills in the process of learning English
CE2. Ability to have an open mind to multimodality
CE3. Oral comprehension skills
CE4. Analytical skills to understand texts in depth
CE5. Oral public speaking skills
CE6. Writing skills of a range of texts
CE7. Ability to appreciate the English language as the most widespread international lingua franca
CE8. Ability to appreciate the English language as a window that grants access to human knowledge.
Criterios de evaluación.
- Attendance to classes.
- Active individual and group participation in workshops and tasks.
- Oral presentations
- Portfolios. This task will be explained in class. This task is compulsory.
The criteria established by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will be followed in this course.
Instrumentos de evaluación.
- Final oral exam
- Final written exams (Use of English and Written Appraisal of a text)
Both the final oral exam and the final written exams must be passed independently.
In the case of failing one of these three exams, the student will have to pass all exams again in the next ‘convocatoria’.
Metodología |
Tipo de prueba a emplear |
calificación |
Oral skills |
Oral presentation |
40% |
Use of English |
Use of English test |
20% |
Writtenskills |
Appraisal of a text |
40% |
Total |
100% |
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria |
Observaciones (p.e. sobre exámenes especiales, adaptaciones, recuperación, etc.). |
Recomendaciones para la evaluación.
Attendance to classes is compulsory.
Students are advised to have an open mind to the design of this course.
Students are expected to devote their time to develop their language skills and the course goals indicated here.
The strategy of completing weekly Portfolios will be very important in this design.
Submitting Portfolios on a weekly basis is considered compulsory.
Engaging in all the individual and group tasks is considered compulsory
Recomendaciones para la recuperación.
Students who have failed the first exams are advised to devote more time to their training