Curso 2024/2025
1. Datos de la asignatura
(Fecha última modificación: 02-06-24 12:43)- Código
- 102525
- Plan
- 2010
- 4.50
- Carácter
- Curso
- Optativa 3º y 4º
- Periodicidad
- Primer Semestre
- Idioma
- Área
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Plataforma Virtual
Datos del profesorado
- Profesor/Profesora
- María Consuelo Montes Granado
- Grupo/s
- 1
- Centro
- Fac. Filología
- Departamento
- Filología Inglesa
- Área
- Filología Inglesa
- Despacho
- 1.9 Dpto. Filología Inglesa. Edificio Placentinos
- Horario de tutorías
- Monday: 13:00-15:00; Thursday:13:00-15:00. (subject to change)
(Also via email)
- URL Web
- Teléfono
- 923 294500 Ext.1754
2. Recomendaciones previas
Asignaturas que se recomienda haber cursado: Linguistics courses
Asignaturas que se recomienda cursar simultáneamente: Linguistics courses
3. Objetivos
Course aims:
The acquisition of knowledge in this complex field of study.
Course aims are related to the set of skills and abilities presented in section 6.
4. Competencias a adquirir | Resultados de Aprendizaje
Básicas / Generales | Conocimientos.
CB1. Ability to acquire and apply sociolinguistic knowledge in a range of situations
CB2. Ability to gather and interpret relevant data using conceptual frameworks
CG3. Ability to read critically assess bibliography in these fields of study.
CG4. Ability to relate knowledge acquired in this subject to other subjects and areas of study.
Core Competences
CG1. Ability to learn new dimensions of communication
CG2. Ability to acquire abstract knowledge
CG3. Ability to read texts in these fields of study
CG4. Ability to analyse and synthesize readings as well as the skill to establish connections with other readings
CG5. Ability in reflective metacommunication
CG6. Competence in the oral expression of ideas in English
CG7. Competence in argumentative discourse in English
CG8. Critical thinking skills and analytical skills
CG9. Individual and cooperative learning in team work
CG10. Ability to engage in self-reflection about their own process of learning
CG11. Ability in optimizing time and taking responsibility for individual and group assignments
Específicas | Habilidades.
CE1. Ability to learn sociolinguistic dimensions of the English language
CE2. Ability to become acquainted in the connection between language and society
CE3. Ability to understand theories in this interdisciplinary field of study
CE4. Ability to relate selected texts
CE5. Ability to pass a multiple choice test in this subject
CE6. Ability to engage in team work
CE7. Ability to apply sociolinguistic knowledge
Core Competences
CG1. Ability to learn new dimensions of communication
CG2. Ability to acquire abstract knowledge
CG3. Ability to read texts in these fields of study
CG4. Ability to analyse and synthesize readings as well as the skill to establish connections with other readings
CG5. Ability in reflective metacommunication
CG6. Competence in the oral expression of ideas in English
CG7. Competence in argumentative discourse in English
CG8. Critical thinking skills and analytical skills
CG9. Individual and cooperative learning in team work
CG10. Ability to engage in self-reflection about their own process of learning
CG11. Ability in optimizing time and taking responsibility for individual and group assignments
5. Contenidos
Brief description of the content
Set I: Key concepts. Selected readings.
Set II: Practical applications of sociolinguistics in a group project: students will learn and apply relevant sociolinguistic notions to specific social contexts.
6. Metodologías Docentes
Introductory activities (led by the teacher) |
Introductory activities |
Aiming to introduce the subject and to present the evaluation system in detail. |
Theory sessions (led by the teacher) |
Class sessions devoted to presenting the theoretical part of the subject |
Explanations and illustrations aiming at introducing the students to key concepts and relevant conceptual frameworks |
Practical activities (led by the teacher) |
The ability to apply sociolinguistic knowledge in a final group project will be an essential dimension in this subject. Methodology: Project-based learning and Team-based learning |
Group work will be compulsory and it will not be substituted by any other activity. The group will work like a team during the course and will explore in depth a range of issues related to the subject, showing analytical and critical thinking skills.
Oral presentations |
Each group of students will give a final oral presentation, where they will show that they have achieved the aims of the subject. |
Autonomous student practice |
Out of class individual and group tasks |
Students will be required to read in depth set readings, to revise the theoretical explanations presented in class, and to devote time to applying that knowledge to analyse specific issues indicated by the teacher. |
7. Distribución de las Metodologías Docentes
8. Recursos
Libros de consulta para el alumno.
It will be indicated on Studium.
Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.
It will be indicated on Studium.
9. Evaluación
Criterios de evaluación.
A continuous assessment system will be implemented in this course, instead of a final evaluation. This entails the following requirements:
- Completing class tasks + setting your smartphone in airplane mode (unless the smartphone is needed for some class activity. (30%)
- Taking a Multiple Choice Test (30%) during the course, once the course content has been presented by the educator.
NOTICE that this Test is part of the continuous assessment process. This means that this test will only be taken during the course since it is considered a fundamental stage towards the preparation of final group project.
- Completing a final Group Project (40%), which will be presented at the end of the course, as the last part of the continuous assessment system.
- NOTICE: The workload in this course will be distributed between class tasks and out of class activities. We may require groups to refine and modify their final group project, after their oral presentation in class. The last two weeks of the course may be devoted to this.
Sistemas de evaluación.
Marks |
CLASS TASKS Reminder: attendance is compulsory in this assessment system |
30 %
30 %
COMPLETING A FINAL GROUP PROJECT (attendance is compulsory). |
40 %
100 % |
Otros comentarios y segunda convocatoria |
SECOND ‘CONVOCATORIA’ Those students who fail this course in the first ‘convocatoria’ (because their project was not correct) will have to refine their project and submit it again. NOTICE: The Multiple Choice Test designed as part of the continuous assessment system will only be taken during the course.
Recomendaciones para la evaluación.
The following recommendations:
- Attend classes regularly, since attendance is compulsory in this course.
- Complete the required tasks and readings.
- Be attentive and active.
Engage in group work and complete the required group assignments.