Guías Académicas



Doble Titulación Grado en Maestro Ed. Primaria e Infantil (Zamora)

Curso 2024/2025

1. Datos de la asignatura

(Fecha última modificación: 09-05-24 13:17)
Primer Semestre
Filología Inglesa
Plataforma Virtual

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Datos del profesorado

José Luis Astudillo Terradillos
Fac. Ciencias de la Educación
Filología Inglesa
Filología Inglesa
Horario de tutorías
1º cuatrimestre (online): X y J de 9 a12 horas
2º cuatrimestre (online): J y V de 11 a 13:30 horas
980545000 Ext. 3694

2. Recomendaciones previas

This course has been specifically designed for future infant and early stages primary teachers of English, who will be working either in and EFL context or within a bilingual project, where the English language is used in a natural way to ensure that children are learning to cope with chunks of language while they are developing a knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

3. Objetivos

By the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Plan lessons and organize, carry out and assess project work through a curriculum which considers the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and cultural development of each individual in the context in which the child lives. (the school and his/her environment).
  • Work through a topic-based approach that can support children’s acquisition of language and the development of number, literacy and science skills.
  • Can weave into the overall planning of a topic web at each year of the infant cycle the four strands (social skills, literacy development, maths and understanding of the world).
  • Apply both informal assessment and reports to parents based on “can do” statements, together with more formal assessment based on attainment targets by the end of the infant cycle.

4. Competencias a adquirir | Resultados de Aprendizaje

Básicas / Generales | Conocimientos.

  • BP 11 To become familiar with the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
  • DP28 To be able to express oneself orally and in writing in  the English language at least at level B2 according to the Common European Framework.
  • DI 17 To recognize and value the importance of verbal and non verbal communication in the English classroom.
  • DP 24 To know the teaching and learning process of the English language.
  • DP 27 To be able to tackle language learning in multilingual settings.
  • DP 29 To introduce English language content in the syllabus through appropriate teaching resources and to develop the relevant student competences.
  • DI 20 To promote interest in the English language at the initial stage.

Específicas | Habilidades.

Specific competences that students will be able to develop on completion of this course:

  • To acquire linguistic knowledge and competence to work confidently in the Infant and Early Stages Primary classroom.
  • To acquire knowledge and competence to develop activities which can promote infant and early stages primary students’ oral communication and interaction.
  • To demonstrate familiarity with the basic teaching strategies for communication used in an Infant and Early Stages Primary classroom context.
  • To identify expectations for children’s oral language use and development.
  • To get knowledge and competence to plan lessons and activities for listening and speaking practice in the Infant and Early Stages Primary classroom.
  • To do some basic research on specific set targets of the teaching-learning process and develop presentation skills.
  • To get knowledge and competence to elaborate strategies for self-instruction, critical thinking and professional development.
  • To get ICT competence to generate teaching resources and materials suitable for the Infant and Early Stages Primary classroom.

Transversales | Competencias.

  • BP 13 To promote cooperative work and individual effort.
  • BP 17 To become familiar with innovative teaching experiences in primary education and apply them.
  • BP 19 To become familiar with basic techniques and methodologies of educational research and be able to design innovative projects through the identification of evaluation criteria.

5. Contenidos


1. Developing Learning abilities. Unlocking possibilities.
2. From sensory standards to verbal reasoning.
3. From theory to practice:

3.1. Sensory mathematics.
3.2. Logic.
3.3. Mathematics.
3.4. Story grammar.
3.5. Developmental games.
3.6. Artographics.
3.7. Visual-spatial.
3.8. Creative modelling.
3.9. Construction.
3.10. Exploration.
3.11. Expressive movement.
3.12. You-Me-World.

6. Metodologías Docentes

This course is designed to be taught both through on-line set readings and tasks to be accomplished individually in regular deadlines, and in weekly face-to-face sessions where lectures and practical activities will be carried out. Throughout the course, students will be provided with reading materials, recordings, videos and case studies to become familiar with the contents discussed in each thematic unit. In the face-to-face sessions, students are expected to prepare and anticipate the didactic activities presented by the teacher or by other classmates and to actively participate in them.

They will also be expected to complete different tasks assigned for specific sessions, such as microteaching practices, presentations and other assignments. Ongoing self-study of the lesson contents and English language will be encouraged by the teacher who will support students online during the entire course.  

7. Distribución de las Metodologías Docentes

8. Recursos

Libros de consulta para el alumno.

Dolya, Galina (2007). Vygotsky in Action in the Early Years. The ‘Key to Learning’ curriculum. Wheathampstead: GDH Publishing.

Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.


Cameron, Lynne (2003) Teaching Languages to Young Learners. 5th edition. Cambridge: CUP.

Eke, R. and Lee, J. (2009) Using Talk Effectively in the Primary Classroom. London and New York: Routledge.

Graham, C. (2006) Primary Resource Books for Teachers – Creating Chants and Songs. Oxford: OUP.

Grugeon et al. (2005) Teaching Speaking and Listening in the Primary School. 3rd edition. London: David Fulton Publishers.

House, Susan  (1997) An Introduction to Teaching English to Children. London: Richmond.

Hughes, G. and Moate, J. (2007) Practical Classroom English. Oxford: OUP.

Jones, Deborah. (2006)Unlocking Speaking and Listening. London: David Fulton Publishers.

Johnson, K. and Morrow, K., eds. (1981) Communication in the Classroom. London: Longman.

Layton, L. and Deeny, K (2002) Sound Practice: Phonological Awareness in the Classroom. 2nd edition. London: David Fulton Publishers.

Lloyd, S. (1998) The Phonics Handbook. 3rd edition. Chigwell: Jolly Learning Ltd.

Moon, Jean (2005) Children Learning English. 3rd edition. Macmillan Heinemann.

Nicholson, T. (2006) Phonics Handbook. London: Whurr Publishers.

Rábano Llamas M:F: & García Esteban, Soraya. (2015) Inglés para el Grado en Magisterio de Educación Infantil. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones UAH.

Roth, Genevieve (1998). Teaching very young children. London: Richmond.

Sion, Chris. (2001) Creating conversation in Class. London: Delta Publishing.

Turnbull, M. and Dailey-O’Cain, J., eds. (2009) First Language Use in Second and Foreign Language Learning. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.           

Other references:

  • Fiction and non-fiction resources for each topic (stories, songs, video and others) will be either provided in class or announced by the teacher so that the student can buy them.
  • Relevant reference and self-study documents in digital format (word, pdf, ppp, video-clips, audio-tracks) will be available for students in the Studium platform.

9. Evaluación

Criterios de evaluación.

Grading criteria will be distributed as follows:

  • Regular attendance and active participation: 20%
  • Planning and elaboration of topic webs : 30%
  • Class presentation (individual or in small groups) on a course topic: 25%
  • Assessment of a lesson plan: 25% 

Sistemas de evaluación.

Written assignments, oral presentations and expositions; start-and-of-the-module language level testing tools; teacher, peer and self-assessment of teaching performance. 

Recomendaciones para la evaluación.

Class attendance and active participation, regular involvement in the completion of tasks and intensive consultation of reference reading and other media learning and teaching materials are highly recommended.