Curso 2024/2025
1. Datos de la asignatura
(Fecha última modificación: 22-05-24 7:54)- Código
- 109853
- Plan
- 2020
- 4.00
- Carácter
- Curso
- Optativa
- Periodicidad
- Segundo Semestre
- Idioma
- Áreas
- Departamento
- Personalidad, Eval. y Tratam. Psicológ.
- Plataforma Virtual
Datos del profesorado
- Profesor/Profesora
- Cristina Jenaro Río
- Grupo/s
- Único
- Centro
- Fac. Psicología
- Departamento
- Personalidad, Ev. y Tratam. Psicológicos
- Área
- Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
- Despacho
- 354
- Horario de tutorías
- Lunes de 17.00 a 20.00 h y martes de 10.15 a 13.15
- URL Web
- https://produccioncientifica.usal.es/investigadores/56241/detalle
- crisje@usal.es
- Teléfono
- Ext.3288
- Profesor/Profesora
- Virginia Aguayo Romero
- Grupo/s
- Único
- Centro
- Fac. Psicología
- Departamento
- Personalidad, Ev. y Tratam. Psicológicos
- Área
- Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
- Despacho
- 341
- Horario de tutorías
- Miércoles de 10 a 13 horas y de 17 a 20 horas (cita previa)
- URL Web
- https://produccioncientifica.usal.es/investigadores/157356/detalle
- aguayo@usal.es
- Teléfono
- 923294500 Ext.5643
- Profesor/Profesora
- María Fernández Sánchez
- Grupo/s
- Único
- Centro
- Fac. Psicología
- Departamento
- Personalidad, Ev. y Tratam. Psicológicos
- Área
- Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico
- Despacho
- 311
- Horario de tutorías
- Martes y jueves de 10 a 13 horas
- URL Web
- https://produccioncientifica.usal.es/investigadores/107730/detalle
- mariafernandez@usal.es
- Teléfono
- 923294500 Ext. 3334
2. Recomendaciones previas
3. Objetivos
CB3. Capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes de esta área de estudio para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética// BC3. Ability to gather and interpret data relevant to this area of study in order to make judgements that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
CG2. Habilidades de coordinación y trabajo en equipo, particularmente si son interdisciplinares, multiculturales y/o internacionales, para la compresión, análisis y evaluación de distintos fenómenos en el área de conocimiento.// GC2. Coordination and teamwork skills, particularly if they are interdisciplinary, multicultural and/or international, for the understanding, analysis and evaluation of different phenomena in the area of knowledge.
CG6. Capacidad de identificar los parámetros y factores de la diversidad cultural para poder interactuar con plena capacidad, empatía y sentido crítico, con cualquier grupo o población humanos, particularmente en contextos de conflicto.// GC6. Ability to identify the parameters and factors of cultural diversity in order to be able to interact with full capacity, empathy and critical sense with any human group or population, particularly in contexts of conflict.
CE3. Describir y definir la diversidad cultural en todas sus esferas (biológica, histórica, política, económica, social, etc) desde una perspectiva holística y comparativa.// SC3. Describe and define cultural diversity in all its spheres (biological, historical, political, economic, social, etc.) from a holistic and comparative perspective.
CE6. Utilizar distintos métodos y técnicas (cuantitativas y cualitativas) de investigación social, especialmente las técnicas de trabajo de campo (descripciones etnográficas, observación participante, entrevistas orales, etc.) que caracterizan a la Antropología.// SC6. Use different methods and techniques (quantitative and qualitative) of social research, especially fieldwork techniques (ethnographic descriptions, participant observation, oral interviews, etc.) that characterise Anthropology.
CE9. Describir y valorar la desigualdad (social, de género, por discapacidad u origen étnico, etc) y los conflictos que genera, especialmente desde la perspectiva de la diversidad cultural.// SC9. Describe and assess inequality (social, gender, disability or ethnic origin, etc.) and the conflicts it generates, especially from the perspective of cultural diversity.
CE10. Reconocer los sectores y ámbitos públicos y privados de trabajo aplicado de la Antropología.// SC10. Recognise the sectors and public and private spheres of applied work in Anthropology.
4. Competencias a adquirir | Resultados de Aprendizaje
5. Contenidos
Topic 1.- Persons with disabilities: types, concepts and models.
Topic 2.- Disability and rights.
Topic 3.- Disability in educational, health and social services.
Topic 4.- Quality of life as a framework for the development of actions and policies on disability.
6. Metodologías Docentes
7. Distribución de las Metodologías Docentes

8. Recursos
Libros de consulta para el alumno.
Hasty, J., Lewis, D.G., & Snipes, M.M. (2022). Introduction to Anthropology. Rice University. https://openstax.org/books/introduction-anthropology/pages/1-introduction
Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.
Amor, A. M., Fernández, M., Verdugo, M. A, Aza, A., & Calvo, M. I. (2021). Towards the fulfillment of the right to inclusive education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Framework for action. Education Sciences & Society 12(1). https://doi.org/10.3280/ess1-2021oa11471
Boyd K.M. (2000). Disease, illness, sickness, health, healing and wholeness: exploring some elusive concepts. Medical Humanities, 26, 9-17. https://mh.bmj.com/content/medhum/26/1/9.full.pdf
Daley, T. C. (2003). "I speak a different dialect" : teen explanatory models of difference and disability. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 17(1), 25-48.
Fjord, L. (2009). Anthropological perspectives on disasters and disability : an introduction. Human organization : journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology, 68(1), 64-72.
Ginsburg, F. D. (2013). Disability worlds. Annual review of anthropology, 42 (2013), 53-68.
Gómez L.E., Morán M.L., Al-Halabí S, Swerts C, Verdugo M.A. y Schalock RL. (2022).Quality of Life and the International Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities: Consensus Indicators for Assessment. Psicothema, 34(2), 182-191. http://doi.org/10.7334/psicothema2021.574
Hartblay, C. (2020). Disability expertise. Claiming disability anthropology. Current anthropology (Supplement), 61(21), S26-S36. Rickli, F. (2020). Old, disabled, successful? Transfigurations of aging with disabilities in Switzerland. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 7(1), 117-135.
Jenaro, C., Flores, N., & López-Lucas, J. (2018). Using the semantic differential technique to assess stereotypes toward individuals with disabilities: The relevance of warmth and competence. Universitas Psychologica, 17(4), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.upsy17-4.usdt
Schalock, R.L., Baker, A., Claes, C., Gonzalez, J., Malatest, R., van Loon, J., Verdugo, M.A. and Wesley, G. (2018), The Use of Quality of Life Scores for Monitoring and Reporting, Quality Improvement, and Research. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 15: 176-182. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12250
Titchkosky, T. (2001). Disability: a rose by any other name? "People-first" language in Canadian society. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 38(2), 125-140.
Vega‐Córdova, V., Álvarez‐Aguado, I., Jenaro, C., Spencer‐González, H., & Díaz Araya, M. (2020). Analyzing Roles, Barriers, and Supports of Co‐researchers in Inclusive Research. Journal of Policy & Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 17(4), 318-331. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12354
Verdugo MA, Aguayo V, Arias VB, García-Domínguez L. A Systematic Review of the Assessment of Support Needs in People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Dec 18;17(24):9494. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17249494
Verdugo, M. Á., Arias, B., Gómez, L. E., & Schalock, R. L. (2010). Development of an objective instrument to assess quality of life in social services: Reliability and validity in Spain. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10(1), 105–123. https://aepc.es/ijchp/articulos_pdf/ijchp-343.pdf
9. Evaluación
Criterios de evaluación.
A maximum of 4 points will be added to the grade of the exam (up to 6 points) and therefore to the final grade of the course, depending on the quality and number of practices delivered, carried out and exposed in class.
Those students who, for justified reasons, cannot attend all the classroom practicals, must hand in the "portfolio" or "Practicals book" before the exam. They should talk with the professors to determine the times and hours to present the practices
Aquellos estudiantes que por causas justificadas no puedan asistir a todas las prácticas presenciales autorizadas, deberán entregar antes del examen el “portafolio” o “Libro de prácticas” y para determinar horas y tiempos para exponer las prácticas.
Sistemas de evaluación.
- Multiple-choice test. It will consist of 30 multiple choice questions with a penalty of 0.33 for each incorrect question (i.e. for every three incorrect questions one point will be deducted).
To pass the exam it will be necessary to have obtained a 5 out of 10. Once passed, the score of each exam will be converted to a base 6 (i.e. a 10 = 6 and so on).
- Completion, submission and presentation of practical work (up to 4 points out of 10). The evaluation of these practicals will have a weight of 40% of the total of the final grade obtained by the student in the course. The grade for the practices will take into account their quality, as well as their delivery in due time and form.
- Assessment of individual work. The student's participation and activity in studium forums and other non face-to-face tasks will be assessed. Such participation will be a quality criterion that may benefit the student in the final grade (for example, to assess the awarding of an Honours Degree, or similar).
Recomendaciones para la evaluación.
The final grade will reflect the competences worked on by the student throughout the academic year, through the completion of theoretical-practical tasks. It is recommended that students take all the assessment tests and actively participate in the classroom and in non-classroom activities.
Recomendaciones para la recuperación:
Attendance at the exam results review session is recommended in order to identify the main weaknesses and plan strategies to pass the exam in subsequent exam sessions.