Guías Académicas




Curso 2020/2021

1. Datos de la asignatura

(Fecha última modificación: 24-05-20 23:48)
Primer Semestre
Filología Inglesa
Plataforma Virtual

Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Salamanca

Datos del profesorado

Patricia Martín Ortiz
Fac. Educación y Turismo
Filología Inglesa
Filología Inglesa
Departamento de Inglés
Horario de tutorías
920 353600

2. Sentido de la materia en el plan de estudios

Bloque formativo al que pertenece la materia.

Mención Lengua Inglesa

Papel de la asignatura.

Papel de la asignatura dentro del Bloque formativo y del Plan de Estudios. Formación específica

Perfil profesional.

Maestro de Educación Primaria con Mención en Lengua Inglesa

3. Recomendaciones previas

Activities in this course will be conducted in English, so students are expected to have at least a B1/B2 entry level of English according to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR):

Students are recommended to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English to reach at least a B2 level according to the CEFR.

4. Objetivo de la asignatura

The subject seeks to provide newly qualified teachers a structured plan to help future pupils develop as readers and writers through creative activities.

By the end of the course the participants will be able to:

  • Make Literacy and Literature work together in rich literate environments
  • Use drama effectively in Early Language Learning
  • Use poetry creatively in Early Language Learning
  • Introduce fictional and information books in Early Language Learning
  • Use synthetic phonics in infants and Early Primary
  • Introduce activities for promoting reading and writing skills at an early stage of FL learning

5. Contenidos


1. Literacy skills in English (An overview)

1.1 Factors affecting learning to read in English as a foreign language.

1.2 Starting to read and write in English as a foreign language.

2. Drama with children (Workshop)

2.1. Imaginative play to practise attitudes, skills and speech patterns.

2.2 Playing with fictional contexts to reflect on socio-cultural patterns.

3. Strategy-oriented activities for beginning readers(Workshop)

3.1 Modelling good reading behaviour to emergent readers

3.2 Guided reading at the emergent level.

4. Strategy-oriented activities for beginning writers(Workshop)

4.1 Modelled writing and guided writing.

4.2 High-order thinking prompts for writing.

4.3  Independent writing activities with real-life emphasis.

5. Using fiction to expand pupil’s personal horizons(Theory and Practice)

5.1 Using stories to develop thinking skills.

5.2 Using stories to teach children facts, concepts and skills from different curriculum areas.

5.3 Using stories to explore, enjoy and teach about language.

5.4 Using stories to develop aspects of emotional intelligence.

6. Critical literacy through guided experiences with informational texts (Theory and practice):

6.1. Understanding informational texts through guided reading.

6.2 A support system for informational writing.

6. Competencias a adquirir

Básicas / Generales.

⦁    DP 29 To be able to design and evaluate content from the English curriculum using appropriate teaching resources, and to promote this competence among the students.
⦁    DI 10/DP 22 To get to know the English literacy curriculum for the infant school and the reading content for the primary sector, together with acquisition and learning theories to support them.
⦁    DI 17 To recognize and value the importance of verbal and non  verbal communication in the English class.
⦁    DI 19 To get to know the literature content for the infant school.
⦁    DI18/DP25 To know and be able to promote reading processes and help make good use of English reading and writing resources.
⦁    DP 24 To know the teaching and learning process of the English language.
⦁    DI 11 To facilitate English speaking and writing skills.
⦁    DP28 To be able to express oneself orally and in writing in English language at least at level B2/C1 according to the Common European Framework.
⦁    DI 20 To promote interest in the English language at the initial stage.
⦁    DP 29 To introduce English language content in the syllabus through appropriate teaching resources and to develop the relevant student competences.
⦁    BI 27 To become familiar with various international English as a foreign language teaching situations and strategies.


  • To acquire linguistic knowledge and competence to work confidently in the Primary classroom.
  • To get knowledge and competence to use infant literature, drama techniques, storytelling, literature circles and clubs, so that it is creative and efficient for English teaching situations.
  • To  acquire knowledge  and  competence  to  develop  activities  which  can  promote primary students’ physical and mental engagement.
  • To get knowledge and competence to plan lessons for the primary class.
  • To do some basic research on specific set targets of the teaching-learning process and develop presentation skills.
  • To get knowledge and competence to develop assessment strategies for literacy achievement.
  • To get knowledge and competence to elaborate strategies for self-instruction, critical thinking and professional development.
  • To  get  ICT  knowledge  and  competence  to  generate  teaching  resources  for  the primary classroom
  • To get knowledge and competence in management strategies in the primary sector.
  • To develop intercultural activities which can lead to open debate but with empathy and respect to others.
  • To know the richness and complexity of the English language in this global world.


  • BP 11 To become familiar with the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom.
  • BP 13 To promote cooperative work and individual effort.
  • BP 17 To become familiar with innovative teaching experiences in primary education and apply them.
  • BP 19 To become familiar with basic techniques and methodologies of educational research and be able to design innovative projects through the identification of evaluation criteria.

7. Metodologías

This course is taught through both on-line activities and through face-to-face teaching sessions. Students will be supported on-line by the teachers throughout the course. The course is based on self-study, which the student follows in their own time, working to modular deadlines.

The face-to-face sessions will be based on lectures, set readings, individual and group work, class discussion, workshop tasks, video viewing, microteaching sessions, lesson planning activities, oral presentations, case studies, and feedback on assignments. Students will participate in workshop sessions where they will be asked to design activities based on the content presented. They will become familiar with picture books, songs, rhymes, role-play activities, crafts and music games, and with their exploitation in the young learner classroom

8. Previsión de Técnicas (Estrategias) Docentes

9. Recursos

Libros de consulta para el alumno.

Carter, R. A., & Long, M. N. (1991). Teaching literature. Addison-Wesley Longman Limited.

Brumfit, C., & Carter, R. (Eds.). (1993). Literature and language teaching. Oxford University Press.

Lazar, G. (2008). Literature and language teaching: A guide for teachers and trainers. Ernst Klett Sprachen

Slater,  S.  (2009). Literature  in  the  language  classroom: A  Resource  Book of  Ideas  and Activities. Cambridge University Press.

Otras referencias bibliográficas, electrónicas o cualquier otro tipo de recurso.

Cameron, Lynne (2003) Teaching Languages to Young Learners. 5th  edition. Cambridge: CUP.

Crosby Stull, Elizabeth (2000) Let’s Read. A Complete Month-by-Month Activities Program for Beginning Readers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Ellis, Gail; Brewster, Jean (2002) Tell it Again! The New Storytelling Handbook for Primary Teachers. Harlow: Penguin.

Fetzer,  Nancy  &  Rief,  Sandra  F.  (2002)  Alphabet  Learning  Center  Activities  Kit.  San Francisco: Jossey-bass.

Ginnis, Sharon and Ginnis, Paul (2006) Covering the Curriculum with Stories. Crown House Publishing.

Graham,  Carolyn  (2006)  Primary  Resource  Books  for  Teachers  –  Creating  Chants  and Songs. Oxford: OUP.

Hoyt, Linda et al. (2003) Exploring Informational Texts. Portsmouth: Heinemann.

Linse, Caroline T., (2005) Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New York: McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT.

Moon, Jean (2005) Children Learning English. 3rd edition. Macmillan Heinemann.

Nixon, Caroline & Tomlinson, Michael (2010) Primary Reading Box. Cambridge: CUP. Phillips, Sarah (1999) Drama with Children. Oxford: OUP.

Phillips, Sarah (1993) Young Learners. Oxford: OUP.

Read, Carol (2007) 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Oxford: Macmillan Books for Teachers.

Readence,  John  E.  et  al.  (2004)  Content  Area  Literacy.  An  Integrated  Approach. Dubuque(Iowa): Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

Reilly, Vanessa & Ward, Sheila M. (1997) Very Young Learners. Oxford: OUP. Roth, Genevieve (1998) Teaching very young children. London: Richmond.

Tierney,  Robert  J.  &  Readence,  John  E.  (2005)  Reading  Strategies  and  Practices.  A Compendium. Boston: Pearson.

Vale, David and Feunteun, Anne (1995) Teaching Children English: A training course for teachers of English to children. Cambridge: CUP.

Wright, A. (2000) Creating Stories with Children. Oxford: OUP.

On-line resources:

National Literacy Trust:

Lesson plans:

BBC games, songs and stories for young children:

British Council for kids:

Video resources:

Software for ICT support:

Further on-line references:

10. Evaluación

Consideraciones generales.

Assessment  will  be  continuous,  so  participation  in  class,  regular  work,  attendance  at classes and the completion of all classroom tasks and assignments will be compulsory

Criterios de evaluación.

Final mark will be comprised of

-Regular attendance and active participation: 20%

-Assessment of portfolio : 25%

-Microteaching presentation: 30%

-Mini-lecture on a course topic: 25%

Instrumentos de evaluación.

Written assignments, oral presentations and expositions, portfolio; start-and-of-the-module language level testing tools; teacher, peer and self-assessment of teaching performance.

Recomendaciones para la evaluación.

Class attendance, regular involvement in the completion of tasks and intensive consultation of reference reading and other media learning and teaching materials are highly recommended.